Ella Dynae Featured on Girls Gone Child
“Ella Dynae costumes are different. Not only are they handmade, customizable with many different layers and parts to change-up every time she wears them, they're treasures. Heirlooms. The kind of pieces (she) will pass on to her own children.” ~ Girlsgonechild.net
Beautiful, Handmade Princess & Faerie Costumes
“These are the most beautiful costumes I’ve ever seen. Proof that beautiful costumes aren’t just for Halloween anymore. You can see that much care and love was given to each piece and I can’t think of any little girl who wouldn’t love to have one of them!” ~ happymothering.com
News & Press
Fairy Dress-Up Heaven from Ella Dynae
“These simply must be the most wonderful costumes in the universe for a child who loves to dress up and escape to another place…extensive skills are evident in both concept and execution, and we think these dress-ups are worth every cent.” – Babyology.com
Oh Les Jolies Petites Robes de Fées
"Des couleurs magiques, un peu de new-age, du tulle et des froufrous, de quoi rendre dingues toutes les petites fées en devenir...Ces jolies robes sont créées par Richelle Dynae, une américaine qui vend ses créations sur Etsy." ~ Bebe.Doctissimo.fr